Crete has recently united with Greece. The currency of the Cretan state is still circulating. The exchange of populations is completed. Agricultural products are a mainstay of the economy of the island.
"Lemonatzides", as the itinerant soft drink salesmen where called, saunter around the countryside and cities, selling ice-cold refreshments. Vassilis Zidianakis proceeds to the first hand bottling in porcelain bottle at the shoe workshop, in the basement of his father, in Agies Paraskies.
The company is rehoused in Agies Paraskies. There is a big investement in technological infrastructure and production equipment at the leading edge technology of the time. The range is enriched with new flavors of soft drinks.
The new 100-drachma bill comes into circulation (It features Korais, Athena and the monastery of Arkadi).